Improv Spoken Word – Are You Dead or Alive Dad?

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Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships

person in yellow jacket standing on green grass field near mountain
Photo by Simon Migaj on

I feel like I’m suffocating

Like I’m drowning

I care for you and I can’t breathe

But I feel like you are a speck in the ocean slowly moving away

Walking away

I cry in silence

Sometimes loudly


Yet you seem to feel nothing

And so I fade into the distance, I allow my heart to suffocate into the background

This is a familiar feeling

When I knew it was ending but I didn’t want to let go

I silently screamed into my pillow

I had given my all

And yet it was not enough

I’ve paid my dues, this time I’ll learn to let go faster than before

I feel like I’m drowning

But I can’t hear myself speak

I try to speak but words won’t come out because I still want your security even when it is false

I almost cried hearing his story

He walked away, angry, never crying

He said.

If I said how I felt, it wouldn’t be enough, what is the point, his pride would get in the way

This time, I’ll let go faster than I did before

So my heart does not suffocate from lack of air.

This time I’ll let myself be happy instead of pay a fine

This time I’ll walk out scotch free, this time I’ll choose myself, instead of pleasing him.

This time I’ll better myself by freeing myself

This time, this time.

And you’ll call me crazy, ridiculous, any words, any words.

But I hope you look in your heart and see that your refusal to be in touch with your heart is only a curse on your own soul.

Whoever he was, he is, they are all the same, the same lessons. They keep coming, they come in the form of tall and short, green or blue eyes, brown, they are all the same person walking in the same lesson.

Will you listen to your heart this time?

Or will you scream into the void?

Will you empty yourself until you have nothing left?

Will you try to break down a brick wall with your bare hands? Bloody and torn, those hands made to hold you, now depleted, destroyed.

He didn’t know it was coming last time, but it came like a storm and broke his cold stone heart, he wept for the first time. I broke his heart and it took years.

I didn’t know I had to let him go to open his heart, that was the only way to go, not to hold onto him, but to let him go.

I used to give all of myself to love someone, even if I only got 10% back.

I used to think it was my fault that someone wasn’t able to love me back, but I realize that some people have a small cup that cannot contain my bucket loads of love. 

My job is to find someone who can pour back into my buckets, instead of feeling depleted giving constantly.

I made the first move to reconcile with my dad after 10 years of not seeing him. I flew thousands of miles and hours to see him. Slowly we reconciled. I would fly back again after 2 years, more and more but every time I would be sad to leave, sometimes I was disappointed. Last time he couldn’t take me to the airport because he had a migraine.

No matter what, nothing seemed to be enough. Nothing I did could open up his heart to me.

So I would give all of myself to love someone, and most people only give back 10%.

What I learned is, find those who are willing to give love to you. 

I used to think it was my fault that people didn’t open up to me, that people didn’t love me, that my dad didn’t show love to me.

But I realize no, it’s not my fault. I tried my best and now I have to teach my heart to move on. I moved on from my dad, my mom, from my brother, from exes, from past friendships and I still learn to move on as I speak up and keep honoring my heart.

I kept trying to get love from people who didn’t have any to give.

And I realize very little people have that emotional capacity to express love.

God send me people that know how to express and give love without fear. I don’t have fear for fear has to do with punishment. Guide us into the right direction, to people who have love to give.

I stood up for myself this time. I spent 2.5 years allowing my heart to die to be with someone 6 years ago. I then encountered a man that reminded me of my ex. I had to learn to let go faster than I did last time. Because the same red flags came up. God will send the same type of person so you’d learn to stand up for yourself this time around.

The same situations will come up until you learn to overcome them and confront your worse fears.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!

Unshakeable Faith

I spent almost 2 years on the road. I went alone to dangerous countries, 3rd world countries, I went to South Africa, India, Southeast Asia being led by God to pastor lost sheep and prophesy over people who needed miracles, people who were broken and lost.

I faced the fear of starvation, having no shelter, being stranded or even the fear of being raped by strangers.

But God’s voice led me and I saw thousands of miracles. I saw God healed backs, I saw people cry and I taught people how to hear God’s voice.

God told a Muslim girl to not be afraid, He told a Buddhist that everything was going to be okay. She said she wanted to believe in Jesus so we prayed in a hostel.

Having faced all those fears of ALL possible dangers, a virus was an inconvenience. Sure, I had my times of paranoia, but most of it was being persecuted by people for going out. My mom would yell at me for going out but I would hear God say “Go out and don’t be afraid”. I had thousands of divine appointments still. I went to the Abbey, I went to the beach, I met people everywhere. 

To everyone out there who persecuted me for going out I want to say the blood of Jesus works. He told me to go out every day – I was ministering to people out on the streets. I preached the blood of Jesus to heal. Y’all don’t believe. Now you do. I’ve been out everyday since the covid, been going to beaches, Miami, tj, planes, buses, trains, wherever God led me and I am healthy by his stripes. I hugged people, layed hands on people, prayed for people, I came into contact with more people than most and I kept proclaiming the truth of His finished work.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

A lot of Christians don’t give believe Jesus finished the work- so they’ve submitted to fear and the government. By His stripes we are healed- that means in this present state I am healthy and disease is a spirit of infirmity that needs to be rebuked if it attacks.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!

Last night I talked for an hour and a half with someone who grew up Christian. He found my dating profile on okcupid and we matched. I was reminded of the weightiness of my calling to pastor lost sheep. I was reminded not to get distracted and that even though I felt heart broken over someone who didn’t believe in Jesus, to keep my eyes on God and His promises for me.


He has promised me this-

  1. A life overflowing in abundance
  2. Complete health now.
  3. A husband that will love me with all his heart, someone who loves God
  4. A life full of promises, destiny and dreams. I get to do everything I love with everyone I love.




Created To Love Support Group

You Are Loved copy 2

Add Yourself To the Created To Love Support Group!

Hi Everyone, this is a safe place to tell people how you feel. 🙂
This is a support group for those who are recovering from abandonment issues, relationship traumas, parental abuse, abuse, neglect….a place where you can feel safe to share what you’ve been through and what you want to see in the future, etc.
God bless!
If you want one on one emotional support/coaching- please email me at or call me at 424-249-9833 (leave a voicemail as this is my google number and I will call you back). I look forward to working with you.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!


Prophetic Word- Make Big Moves

I heard the Lord say “make big moves” and I had a dream about a big whale and I colored it.

The breakthrough will come from perseverance! Not shrinking back in fear, fearing that you’ll be too much or too little. You want to be loved, show love. Make big moves, says God. 

I may not want to be with you, but I will show you the persevering love of God to break down the walls in my heart and yours.

I will persevere when others shut down.


Your heart is your biggest asset. 

Choose to open your heart when you want to shrink in fear. Choose to extend your hand when you want to stay bitter.

We just want people to show up in our lives, be present. I’ve been meeting people who have never met their dads and they just desire presence. They don’t want much, but to feel wanted. 

I’m glad I can be a type of “mother” and a pastor to those who long for family. I too find family in these people.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!


If you like someone express that to them without fear

It’s like you’re constantly wanting to go somewhere else- he said.

ocean wave
Photo by Simon Clayton on

I had a dream that I woke up and my mom and aunt were eating in the house. I ate a big piece of fish with quinoa in it. My friend got a Tesla and was moving to goldengate but it was in the middle of nowhere. I told my brother that even though he was very rich, he had to deal with properties getting looted. Even though I was eating in a small studio with my family, with the windows open, I felt content.

I woke up feeling a sense of calm and peace.

I guess this whole year has felt like a struggle since God continued to break open my heart. He kept telling me to tell people how I feel. I kept crying. Everyday almost. He would tell me to tell people how I felt, the walls would come down on a daily basis. Even though I wanted to shut down at times and no longer open my heart, I would choose to trust him. 

Some days God would tell me to go to San Diego. San Diego was the relief I needed for my heart. I would meet some divine appointments, look at the ocean and feel my heart quiet down. 

I was dating, going on dates, meeting one guy and liking him….but then be disappointed.

He’s not the one. Again, broken hearted. But somehow God used all that to heal me. It sounds strange. Why? 

Don’t be afraid to feel your emotions, He’d say. 

I was deathly afraid of heart break after my ex. 

I told God I would never fall into another relationship if it wasn’t my husband.

But He had me confront the fear of failure (a relationship failing), a fear of love (feeling the pain of love), a fear of rejection. 

He’d say “don’t be afraid to fail”.

“Follow your heart”- no matter if he is your husband or not. If you like someone express that to them without fear.

I didn’t understand it because my mentality was “what is the point of telling someone how I feel if I’m just going to be disappointed?”

“What is the point of trying if they won’t reciprocate?”

I would go on these dates, and most of these guys were lost sheep so it was also semi ministry…but some of them, like yesterday’s ended with the guy trying to touch my boob and saying that he wanted to worship my vagina. LOL. 

But then somehow the fear in my heart left me, the hardness that I built around my heart because I felt rejected broke off. I just started laughing. He said he wanted to bow to my vagina and lick my pussy. 

He started fake crying because I just wanted to be friends and did not want that interaction. He was very passionate and intense with his words. He also said he wanted to “embrace me in my troubles”, which made me cry.

But alas, also not the one. What he taught me was “go after what you want”, whatever it is, without shame.

I met 2 girls in line after that Hinge date. One said she met her fiance on Hinge and another met a guy there too. I told them about my interaction and they laughed. I was grateful and asked if they were Christian and one said she grew up Christian.

What healed me yesterday was this….

As I was crying and talking to the guy, I felt this heaviness on me. I stood up. We went for a walk.


I said that I no longer needed him, a relationship to be fulfilled. I said that when he didn’t want a relationship, I felt unwanted. I felt that no one loved me. In fact, I heard Satan whisper that into my ears. 

I knew it was a lie. I knew people did love me, but when it came to someone I loved, it was hard not to think that.

I felt unwanted. That was the single factor in my life that prevented me from truly loving a man. My dad left our family when I was 8 and I didn’t see him for 10 years. 

It left a scar in my heart, a deep wound. I became boy crazy.  I was always a daddy’s girl. I loved hugging my dad, but now he was no longer there. I could no longer show physical affection to someone I loved. 

I didn’t really date until I was 21. Had my first bf when I was 15. I decided to wait until marriage to have sex. But 21 was my entry way to sexuality. This guy I dated gave me oral sex. I never felt something that intense, it felt good. I felt loved because my love language is physical touch. But somehow, I also felt used. 23-26 I dated a guy for 2.5 years. I felt like a slave in someway. I wasn’t my own. I lost myself. I still waited to have intercourse.

He said that he liked that I was waiting because somehow I was “his” only.

Someone wanting me felt good, I felt wanted in the moment but after I felt used.

I was grateful that God’s grace compelled me to say no to actual intercourse.

I knew that God wanted to protect my heart. That is why I was waiting until marriage to have sex, not out of legalism or law, but because my heart was deeply connected with God. I have trusted God my whole life and I saw how He healed me of my daddy wounds, led me to 14 countries with little to no money while I prophesied to people who helped me.

Going back to my walk with the guy, I said that I needed to feel wanted and when he rejected me, I felt death. I literally felt like I wanted to die. I felt no love in my heart and felt totally numb. But when he came back to show me brotherly love, I realized that we would always be friends and that was okay with me.

I didn’t need to feel wanted physically. I didn’t need a relationship. That spirit of rejection left me immediately. 

I now realize why getting physical with a guy is so detrimental.

I really just want companionship. I want to feel loved. But the truth is I want to be understood more than anything else. I want quality time with people. I want those moments with a men that is innocent. We went to a boba shop and saw a cute little girl with his dad. They ate ice cream together, it was simple and loving.

In my past experience I often felt like men just wanted my body. I would refuse and of course they would feel rejected.

One guy said that he has never hung out with a girl he was attracted to without sleeping with her at the end. He grew up Mormon but no longer prescribed by the religion. I was really just there as a friend and confidante.

When we no longer need something from someone, and can simply enjoy who they are, it’s settling.

I also met someone who was waiting. He said that he didn’t understand how people could sleep around without having feelings for people.

I told him that he should be proud of himself and not to give into peer pressure.

I realize that I can freely care about someone without this fear that they would think I’m too much. I can freely express love without fear that they would be bothered by me. When the guy said that he didn’t want a relationship, I was afraid to make mistakes. I was afraid to care about him. 

I was afraid to reach out but I realize there is no reason to be afraid.

I freely continued to express love to him.

I no longer needed reciprocation because I was free of needing anything in return. He reciprocated love like a brother, not as a romantic partner. I was no longer afraid of his rejection. I allowed my heart to feel what it felt and freely expressed it without holding back.

He kept telling me that we were just friends, I said I understood, but needed to continue expressing how I felt in freedom.

And somehow it freed me.

I no longer needed romantic love. It was like going back to my youth.

My brother stopped talking to me years ago and it broke my heart. He was my best friend growing up, we talked all the time. I would tell him everything.

Now God was restoring my heart from that loss and bringing men into my life that could care for me like a father or brother. And that needed to be the basis. 

Our hearts want what it wants. But I no longer need you to be fulfilled. I know that you love me as a friend and I’m okay with that. I don’t need to own you to love you. I can love freely now. 

I can love without fear. And strangely that attachment broke off. I no longer NEED a certain type of reciprocation, I can be loved as I am.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!



The Abbey


People ask me why God would tell me to go to a gay club.

Well, the Abbey actually means church, monastery.

The Lord told me to write about my experiences and share with you how the spirit has led me to thousands of people in my life. First of all, if you have never read my testimony, here it is My Spirit Led Testimony. 

You will encounter and read about a non-conventional testimony, I am a prophet who pastors lost sheep and have been led all over the world, with sometimes little to nothing to survive but was led by the spirit to pastor lost sheep. Lost sheep are people who don’t believe in Jesus or people who have walked away from God. The lost sheep of Israel are the ones who have not believed that Jesus is the messiah.

God has even led me to people through dating sites.

So is God non-conventional or what?

In December I lost my phone at the Abbey, 

I was devastated. I had lost my phone 2 times there already and actually got it back. That was the beginning of going to the Abbey for fun and ministry. What I mean by that is I have fun there but I also meet a lot of people there. I’ve met hundreds of people in that area that grew up Christian or walked away. I’ve prophesied to future pastors on the dance floor, had people cry into my arms.

It does take awhile for conservatives to understand what I do.

They think that a bar cannot go with Jesus. But little do they know that God works miracles in bars. Not everyone is called to this kind of ministry.

And the thing is I don’t do it intentionally. I go where the spirit leads, but I am not religious. Meaning I try to get to know people, I am friends with them, I am vulnerable with them.

Some people think that you should have all your issues figured out before ministering to others but that’s actually not true. God has shown me that I need to tell people how I am feeling, what I am struggling with. As I share with people, they share with me what they are going through.

That’s true ministry. Jesus shared in His pain, He didn’t shield the disciples from pain, He showed them He was stressed out, bleeding and sweating, praying in turmoil.

One night I was crying my eyes out because I was in severe pain, it had to do with heartbreak. I walked into this other bar without ordering anything and just cried into this guy’s lap. He said that he was going through the same thing and this other girl said she was also constantly getting used in relationships. Then the bartender asked me if I was okay and gave me his number. He checked in on me and made sure I was okay. He said he also went through a breakup and was heart broken. Then I met the manager who told me he was a lost sheep and grew up Christian. That all happened in 20 minutes.

I have been led to people sitting alone at the Abbey on numerous occasions. People who were really lonely and were lost sheep. I’ll walk into the place and feel the Spirit leading me to specific people. I’ll go up to them and ask if I could sit with them. I’ve gotten rejected before but I’d get the courage to talk to them again if it’s God’s will.

For example, one 60 year old man told me “you’re dismissed”. I felt so hurt by that. The next time I saw him again and confronted him. I said what he said hurt me and he apologized. He said his parents treated him that way and he thought it was normal. He told me that he grew up Catholic.

People don’t understand that when we tell people how we feel, it creates a safe space for conversation and relationship. I see him there all the time, he is often alone and I gave him a hug one time, screaming in glee and the staff reprimanded me because well, it’s covid season.

One Jewish man said his mom just passed away and his girlfriend broke up with him 3 days ago. Another guy said he was molested by his grandparents. One guy said he was feeling suicidal and needed a hug because his ex boyfriend physically abused him.

Sometimes I got yelled at for hopping tables. I’ve gotten kicked out for no reason. But I have guardian angels there. I have security guard friends, I have a Christian friend buser. I ask what their names are and become friends with them. They are familiar faces and most of them do have some kind of faith.

I have thousands of stories, and it’s not just at the Abbey. It’s on the streets, it’s at the beach. God uses everything and anything for me to reach His lost sheep and there are millions out there. They are often severely rejected by their parents and have no sense of home. They feel alone because they have no family. I can relate because sometimes I feel like I have no blood family. I didn’t feel safe with them and explaining my life/ministry to them has always resulted in rejection. 

I hope that one day everyone will understand, but that’s not the case. Heaven knows, God knows, and that’s enough.

Give to this ministry- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!

Good Love

affection art backlit couple
Photo by luizclas on

You encounter such bad love your whole life that you don’t know what good love is. 

And you finally open up, you want to be an open book but those around you want to shut down. You want to be loved and accepted for all of you, not just a part of you. So you share, but you feel judged.

But now, you’ve reached a new level.

It’s a healthy love.

They will embrace and love you even if your emotions are messy, even if you try to run, they run after you, they won’t let you hide, they’ll uncover the blanket hiding all your mess. They see the mess and they love you, they let you cry on their shoulder.

That’s what I’m experiencing now. 

You can come to a point that you communicate everything on your mind, and it feels amazing.

You don’t have to run from the people that want to love you, you run into their arms.

Even if that person is simply a friend, not your husband.

You don’t need to keep or own a person, you can love and express love without judgement or rejection. 

I realize why I felt the need to socialize and minister to people when I was with my friend. There was a block. There were friends that didn’t really allow themselves to emote, or to feel their emotions. I’d want to talk to other people to feel my emotions.

I’m seeing old cycles broken in my life.

Cycles where I used sexuality to feel my emotions, cycles where I ran to distractions and temporary pleasures to gratify the numbness.

I’m finally feeling all of my emotions, I’m accepting them.

I can talk about all my emotions and not be afraid to feel them. I dated an ex that never talked about his emotions, it was impossible to connect with him. Because of that, I ended up cheating on him.

I felt like I was not allowed to have “negative” emotions and whenever I talked about how I felt, he would shut me down and tell me not to talk about it. He had panic attacks, he had anxiety, he never cried. He only cried when we broke up.

I felt alone in that relationship.

I felt utterly alone and unloved because my emotions were not accepted or valued.

Now, I know what love is supposed to feel like.

I’m supposed to be able to run to the people I love for love, not run away from them to feel my emotions. All of my feelings and emotions should be valued and validated in a relationship, not just the positive ones.

I should be able to feel scared, sad or angry in a relationship. I should be able to be upset. I should be able to feel however I feel whenever I feel them and be heard and understood in that relationship. And even if that person does not understand, they can express that they aren’t able to understand it but they’ll try.

Communication is everything. Let’s communicate to each other, let’s dialogue instead of dictate.

Give to this ministry and prophetic word- Thank you! God bless! 

Venmo –


Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!

Overcoming Rejection and No Longer Walking On Eggshells

97778308_10163614691715603_5882939738964361216_nDoes it feel like you are walking on eggshells when you’re around your parents? 

I woke up hearing “you are enough, you are beautiful, you are healthy”.

God told me “people will turn to comfort when they’ve been rejected by their parents”. A spirit of rejection causes people to turn to even the faintest idea of comfort, even if they know it is unhealthy. 

Even if you know that a person is unhealthy for you, even if you know that drugs, addictions, porn, etc is unhealthy you’ll still go to it because you feel rejected by your parents or there is a feeling of “walking on eggshells”. 

I don’t feel safe is what you feel and say to yourself. 

God has been putting me through a process of healing. I realize that I have a hard time just going to bed if I feel like I am not being vulnerable with my mother when she is at home. Once I’m in bed I knock out though.

There is no fear in love. 

Are you afraid to be yourself around your parents?

That seeps into your other friendships and relationships.

If you were a caretaker to your parents, you find familiarity in trying to help people in your friendships and relationships.

I found comfort in being the caretaker because I also took care of my mom’s emotions growing up. When someone actually wants to take care of me or be emotionally supportive I felt that they probably wanted to control me or tell me what to do (since my mom was controlling). 

When I had a car I was driving everyone around, when I got rid of my car very people actually helped me.

God really used ministry to help me turn the table around. He said “you are worthy to be helped and supported”, but it came with a lot of persecution. Now people were mad that I was the one that needed help. They couldn’t get with the idea that I was not all sufficient as a human being, that I actually needed their help this time. 

But for some reason when I was always helping them, giving them emotional support, spiritual guidance and not asking for anything in return- they were okay with that model. But once I started asking for donations they fled. 

Because people don’t want to reciprocate. They don’t want to show up. Not everyone of course, but that’s what I saw. If it meant they had to participate they bailed. Because it dealt with their sense of inadequacy and the stronghold of lack.

Most people I minister to are running away from their parents, because they feel rejected by them. When a parent rejects their kid and doesn’t want to talk to them, the kid feels a sense of being unloved. 

When a kid feels unloved he or she will go to drugs, food, shopping, other people etc to feel accepted.

And the truth is sometimes parents aren’t the best people to give us the love we need or crave. But if you feel unsafe, you will go find solace in things that feel safe in the moment but maybe have no longevity.

I experienced financial, physical and emotional lack growing up. My mom was often at work and I was left home alone at a young age. I also started working when I was 8, and lacked emotional support. My mom never asked me how I was doing emotionally.

It makes sense that God called me to pastor lost sheep.

But in doing so I also come in contact with people who have the same issues- feeling rejected, easily triggered, feelings of being attacked emotionally, etc.

When I was younger I was a people pleaser because it was easier to please people and be accepted than to tell the truth and be rejected for my truth. But then God started to tell me to tell people the truth or to do things contrary to peoples’ expectations. The rejection hurt but now I realize that people didn’t really love me for who I am in the past, they loved me for who they wanted me to be.


Skatepark in Venice Beach – a place where many young people escape to for safety. I met a 22 year old mom that was getting yelled at by her husband. I told her that I saw her as an actress as I was a prophet. She was happy to hear that. Sometimes when we’ve been abused by our parents we find partners that are also abusive. The road to healing and wholeness is to identify what we lacked growing up and identify what we actually need from a partner.

Would you consider contributing to this ministry? Your contribution makes a difference in the lives of people who are rejected by their parents and are seeking solace. Help me bring Jesus to people. Thank you!

Sow a seed to this ministry-

Venmo –

Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!



Some people I met at the drum circle in Venice Beach




Growing Up With An Unsafe Mother

I grew up with a mother that was always critical and yelling. I put aside my own emotions and suppressed my own emotions of anger and sadness to create space for her mood swings. My dad was physically and emotionally absent.
Here are signs that you did not grow up with a safe family:
    1. You are scared to speak up for yourself
    2. You try to please everyone
    3. You try to please your parents and you don’t say what’s on your mind
    4. You neglect your own emotions
    5. You think it is your fault when someone is angry and you try to do everything to make them happy
    6. You don’t know what you want, you have neglected your own desires to cater to other peoples’ desires
    7. You don’t know how to say no and you spend time with people who try to manipulate you or force you to do things you don’t want to do
These are all issues I’ve learned to OVERCOME because of the power of Jesus. He has repeatedly told me to do things that CAUSED me to face rejection, “displease” others, and trigger others but HELPED me to OVERCOME any fear of peoples’ responses. In this way, I have become totally myself and not live for other peoples’ approval.
What is a safe person?
  1. They are honest about how they feel and they can bring their truth to the table
  2. If you tell them the truth, they may need time to heal but they can come back and be honest with you about how they feel
  3. They embrace your emotions and validate them, not push them away or tell you to “grow up”. They allow you to cry and be angry.
  4. They are gentle with your emotions, they love you through your journey but they also tell you the truth if they aren’t able to be emotionally present
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Venmo –

Thank you for partnering with me to reach people for Christ!

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