Money Talk

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.

Over my lifetime, God has provided and He has also called me to give. I grew up in a single family home and we struggled financially when we moved to America. I started working when I was 8 years old. I prided myself in being self-sufficient but still felt like an orphan. God had to adopt me into rest. 

He said I was a child of God, and not an orphan. I started to trust Him in really drastic ways. Like I followed Him to various countries to gather lost sheep. Some days I really did not have the money to sleep anywhere or eat, but God would give me instructions and I always had a meal or had a roof over my head. Sometimes the spirit of lack would attack me so strongly I felt completely paralyzed and unworthy. 

January 4, 2020-

My Provision Testimony – 

So I had been worrying about finances as sometimes I’m afraid to move forward or go out as I don’t see a way (in the dream I was telling a friend that there was a deficit I had to pay off from last year) and then God gave me a dream where I was opening books (different books and each one had cash inside) and there was Taiwanese money inside one book, but I had left it somewhere.

In the dream the water in the pool became a slide. The water rose up and went down. And people were sliding down into this safe place.

And then this morning someone who lives in Taiwan sowed a seed. It was the exact amount I saw in the dream.


So I don’t know what you are going through, God may not provide everything you need for a month, but He may provide what you need for the day.

Don’t live in fear because you don’t see a way for a few days, if He has given you enough for today, move forward in courage and live your life flowing with the Holy Spirit.