How God Provides!

Exactly 18 days ago, I sent out a fundraising letter on email and on Facebook.

I didn’t know how God would work, but God worked in ways I still find hard to believe. Yet, I had faith and it was that little mustard seed faith that God honored!

The first person who donated lived in England, the second was a Tumblr/Twitter Follower that I never met, the third was someone I totally didn’t expect to give, the fourth was someone I hadn’t talked to in years….so on and so forth.

The whole week before I was gripped with anxiety and fear, it was not from the Lord, but God had me experience that because it was kind of like withdrawal from “Earthly Security”. I didn’t know how I would pay rent for the 2 months that I was gone- since it’s September and October, half of on each month. I had already been unemployed for a month and was learning the meaning of “being” and “resting” with God. My roommate said that I was so at peace compared to when I used to work full time. I was able to laugh and smile again.

One night I broke down and felt God’s immense LOVE, I saw myself with wings, stepping on rainbows, and spewing colors that I’ve never seen. People looked up at me in awe and the blind were healed. I felt God’s love like I never before, in a fetal position, I surrendered.

Several moments and divine encounters built my faith that week.

Exactly a week before I leave, my good friend gives me a check amounting to my rent! Praise God!!! The angels truly spoke to people and how God is gracious to us! I so honor those that gave and their obedience to the Lord. I know that it is not in vain- that you will be rewarded 10 fold because God sees your generosity!
I was piecing together the cash I had to pay rent for October and was lacking 40 bucks or so. I prayed, “God today provide”. At the prayer meeting, my friend gave me a gift and inside was a check for 50 bucks. God is so GOOD!

It was at the end of my prayer meeting that my friend left. However, he came storming back, knocking on the door. He said he had previously been trying to find an offering he had lost and determined that he would give it to me if he found it. He looked in his bible before he came but it wasn’t there. When he went back to his car, Jesus had put the envelope back in the bible!!!

Furthermore, God provided in small ways that I can’t even begin to thank Him!!! My friend gave me a bunch of random household stuff that she thought I wouldn’t need. But I totally did need them- simple things like liquid hand soap. In order to save money, we were using old school hand soap. Everytime I used that bar soap, I thought, a liquid hand soap would be nice. God hears my thoughts! Other things that He provided through people were toothpaste, face wash, etc. Things that were so simple, yet showed God’s detailed planning in our lives. He hears our little thoughts and lavishly blesses us because He loves us.

That’s what I’ve been learning- God is a lavish lover, a lavish blesser who honors our little faith.
I am so blessed.

I really feel like God is calling me to be healed and to be a healer. God is putting ex-prostitutes on my heart. He is also putting in my heart a desire to speak life into someone’s soul and to restore what Satan has destroyed- our identity as beloved children of God.

My friend painted this in Germany.

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