The People We Met In the Last 5 Years

Just in case you’re wondering where I get my blog entry titles- usually from random sayings and songs.

(Huntington Library on a rainy and lovely day)

Now Listening to Death Cab For Cutie- A Movie Script Ending

Find thy passion, and thy will live without societal restrictions

which chooses to bind and tear

though the compounds of safety and freedom are like two siblings, so different, yet, so complementary

I can’t but define my state of mind- between love and fear

salt and sugar, bitterness and sweetness, goodbyes and hellos

future and past,

and then just when im writing,

i halt and remember

Now and present. Instead of either or, I’ve chosen the best of both, I’ll live now and remember not to fret

the stops I didn’t take, or the stops I will take

and embrace the stop I’m at now.

Frights and terrors, colors and spinning, noise and peace, they are but a fragment of my imagination

what if i chose, simply to be. letting all circumstances float like marshmallows wavering

not hitting me on the head, but brushing past

like unicorns and lovely kewpies flying past, one by one, one by one.

List of news: booking flight to China ASAP, just finished my online class test, awaiting a text, staring at my calendar in dismay, too many people to pray for, Sugar and Spice Art and Fashion Show, new relationships, Ten Thousand Villages, and prepping for graduation and China. Many calls to make. BUT, I’m going to take a nice relaxing bath.

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